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Energy Transition, Strategies and Competencies : outcomes from MILEVA AI

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

Here is the final chapter of the ZEST project (Zero Emissions - Skills for Transition).

Last August we performed the second run of MILEVA after rearranging the framework used in the first run in which we explored the question “What is the most likely strategy the Oil & Gas companies will adopt to face the zero-emission challenge?”

In the second run, we focused on the role of the geoscientists in the energy transition, with the question: "What are the geoscience skills for the workplace of the future to address the energy transition challenges?"

Environmental risks, Geotechnical Engineering and Soft-Skills, turn out to be prominent aspects in the role that geoscientists will most likely play in the energy transition, refocusing to their basic role of reliably predicting, preventing and mitigating risks.

The GET20 (EAGE 1st Geoscience and Engineering Conference in Energy Transition) was held online from November 16th to 18th, 2020 and offered me the opportunity to present the results of the two runs of MILEVA in the "Solution and Society" session on November 18th.

I am pleased to share the pre-recorded video for the GET20 conference.

Please contact-me if you wish to know more about MILEVA and ZEST!


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